Are you worried about poor credit? Don't be, because Automaxx has partnered with Bad Credit Car Loans to ensure you're approved regardless of your credit rating! Our friends at BCCL can get you financed and into a vehicle you want with a program tailored to fit your very own needs!
Bad Credit Car Loans
Are you worried about poor credit? Don't be, because Automaxx has partnered with Bad Credit Car Loans to ensure you're approved regardless of your credit rating! Our friends at BCCL can get you financed and into a vehicle you want with a program tailored to fit your very own needs!
Don't let a poor credit score decide for you!
Having a poor credit rating is something many people struggle with but it shouldn't get in the way of you getting into a vehicle you want. That's what we believe and that's why we'll come up with a credit rebuilding program tailored to suit your very own financial needs!
Don't feel ashamed!
We get it. Life happens. If you're ashamed to come in and talk to us, don't be because we see it all the time. If you have a low credit score, have filed for bankruptcy and/or experienced an unfortunate divorce that caught up to you financially, we're able to help you out. We'll fix you up a plan to rebuild your credit through auto financing - one of the best avenues for rebuilding credit that ensures banks that you're trustworthy by paying off the loan, as long as you make your payments on time.
It's never too late!
Don't let credit problems hold you back from buying a quality used car. The longer you wait to get your finances back on track, the more problems you'll endure. Starting today means you'll be one step closer to rebuilding your credit and one day closer to getting into the vehicle you want. Let Automaxx, Calgary's largest/longest standing pre-owned dealer help you get into the vehicle you deserve.
Apply online now using our online finance application!
Automaxx offers financing but is not a financial institution. Your ability to obtain financing as well as the APR, term and other finance offer specifics can only be determined based on your creditworthiness upon submitting a credit application. Each individual's credit will result in different bi-weekly payments and cost of credit amounts. Automaxx is an AMVIC licensed automotive retail dealer.